-check this code then, In python 3 make a code that shows the performance curve of the algorithm using time measurements 1. Approach: Non recursive: //include necessary header files #include using...

-check this code then, In python 3 make a code that shows the performance curve of the algorithm using time measurements

1. Approach: Non recursive:

//include necessary header files
using namespace std;
//main function
int main()
    int days,buy_on_this_day ,sell_on_this_day;
    //get number of days as input from user
    cout<"enter number="" of="" days:="">
    int stock_price[days];
    for(int i=0;i<>
    {   cout<"enter>
    int i=0;
    for(int i=0;i<>
        //comparing  current price with next day price and finding the  minima

        buy_on_this_day  =i++;

        while(i= stock_price[i-1])
        sell_on_this_day =i-1;
        cout<" :="" index="" of="" the="" change="" before=""  we=""><>
        cout<><"  :index="" of="" the="" change="" before="" we=""><>
    int profit;
    int maxim =0;
    int minSofar = stock_price[0];
    for(int i=0;i<>
    {  //calculating the min, profit and max profit
        minSofar = min(minSofar, stock_price[i]);// update min s
        profit= stock_price[i]-minSofar; // update profit
        maxim = max(maxim,profit);// update maximum profit

    cout<"maximum profit:=""><>


//include necessary header files
using namespace std;
//recurrsive function to find max profit
int maxPro(int stock_price[], int starting_day, int last_day)
    if (last_day <=>
        return 0;
    int maximum_profit = 0;
    for (int i = starting_day; i < last_day;="">
        for (int j = i + 1; j <= last_day;="">
            if (stock_price[j] > stock_price[i])
                //update  profit
                int pro = (stock_price[j] - stock_price[i]) + maxPro(stock_price, starting_day, i - 1) + maxPro(stock_price, j + 1, last_day);
               //update maximum profit
                maximum_profit = max(maximum_profit, pro);
    return maximum_profit;
//main function
int main()
{   //declare variables
    int days,buy_on_this_day ,sell_on_this_day ;
    //get days and stock price as input
    cout<"enter number="" of="" days:="">
    int stock_stock_price[days];
    for(int i=0;i<>
    {    cout<"enter stock="">
    int ans =maxPro(stock_stock_price,0,days-1);
    cout<"max profit:=""><>

Jun 11, 2022

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